500 Days of Sobriety

And more than a thousand wonderful changes to go with it.

Danielle Emrey
11 min readFeb 3, 2021
Photo by Anatol Lem on Unsplash

It’s still hard for me to believe, but on September 22, 2019, exactly 500 days ago, I woke up after a near restless sleep: head pounding, sweating bullets and sick as a dog. The night before, I had gluttonously sucked back two bottles of wine.

The sour, fetid reek of the past night’s debauchery hung in the air. My sheets felt cold, grimy and damp with sweat — they clung to my clammy skin. Every part of me hurt. I needed water, except I was too sick to even think about swallowing.

Inside, I felt dead. But at the same time, the pain was so infinite and intense, that my nerves felt as though they were on fire. I was bereft of life and hysterical all at once.

I wanted to die.

Thankfully, this was the last time I would ever wake up feeling this way, because later that afternoon (after having spent the morning puking), I would sip a cheap, room-temperature cup of boxed white wine in my neighbors’ dimly-lit living room, and I would tell myself that after this glass, I was done.

Finally and forever. I couldn’t do it anymore. My run, at last, was over.

Since that day, so many things about my life have changed, all of them for the better. Once I powered through the…



Danielle Emrey

English Lit Nerd. Reader. Writer. Ex-Lush. Oxford Comma Enthusiast.