Sayonara, Alcohol. Today I Decided it’s Time to Stop Drinking.

After years of struggle, I’m finally freeing myself from this strangle-hold. Sobriety starts today.

Danielle Emrey
8 min readOct 1, 2019
Girls Drinking — Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash

That’s it, I’m done. Finito. Unsubscribe. I’m officially tapping out. Can someone please direct me to the nearest exit? Because I’d like to get off this ride. I’ve walked the walk. I’ve talked the talk. I’ve drank the drink. It was fun while it lasted, but this just isn’t working any more. The ship has sailed. This party sucks. I’m sorry, but we are now closed. The show’s officially over folks. It was a one trick pony anyways. Did I mention I am done?

Seriously though, get me the fuck out of here. I can’t stand it for one more minute.

This week I made a monumental decision. It’s something I should have done years ago, but alas, that’s not how this problem works. Unfortunately, you have to make the same mistake hundreds, even thousands of times, before it actually clicks. And then you have to do it a little longer, just to be sure. You’ve got to sink so low that it’s unbearable to even think about thinking about it.

But it’s fine now. I’m there. I’ve wrapped my head around everything. I’m finally ready to admit something huge: I have a serious problem with drinking, and I’ve decided it’s time to stop.



Danielle Emrey

English Lit Nerd. Reader. Writer. Ex-Lush. Oxford Comma Enthusiast.